Videos and GIFs

Keira Still

We’re a collective of artists, creatives, friends and do-ers who decided to do something about the state of play of our politics during the referendum debate. The whole focus of our campaign is to empower you guys to share inspiring stuff with the world. So we’ve got loads of ways you can do just that. See our Gifs and videos here or visit our tumblr to share over 200 different designs:

GIF Love!


Click the Gif to watch, download and share our GIFs


 Video Love!

Head over to our YouTube channel to watch our videos and share away! Here’s a few of our favourites…

A Message of Hope

With just 48 hours until the referendum, a message of hope supporting our #VoteLove campaign.

Born in the 80s? Bad luck buddy

Reasons to Remain

Click the playlist button in the top left to see them all.

Don’t Fuck My Future

Click the playlist button in the top left to see them all.

Boris Takes us Backwards

Click the playlist button in the top left to see them all.

#InFor Puppies. Because puppies.

Click the playlist button in the top left to see them all.

#PostIt - and other campaigns for voting

Click the playlist button in the top left to see them all.

Still here?

If you want our 35 reasons to be in, they’re all available to view and download here.
We now have a tumblr too! Visit us at

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