#InFor #EuMates

Campaign infor

Head over to InFor EUMates website and Instagram page as they share one story per day. Share them far and wide - and use them for inspiration…

We’re showing the world that most young people want to stay in the EU.

Whether it’s your best friend from Uni, your work mate who makes Monday bearable, or the partner you met on a random bar crawl – European unions make our lives better and more meaningful when we build on each others cultural and personal strengths.

How You Can Get Involved

We want you to share with us!

  • Take a picture of yourself and a mate - one of you from the UK, one from the EU.
  • Share the image with #INFOR #EUMATES on Instagram or Twitter with a few lines about your relationship. It can be the things you like about each other, how you met or an adventure you have been on.
  • Let people know where you are from and that you are #INFOR #EUMATES.

We’ll choose our favourites to share on the InFor Mates’s Instagram page and across We Are Europe’s social channels.


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